Thursday, August 3, 2017

Missed Connections

Every now and again, I like to check of the missed connections section of my local Craigslist page. Part of me wants to see, if by some chance, I caught someone's attention. Another part of me likes to picture each missed connection as a tiny movie. As I read through these posts, I also notice that there are many people that want to reconnect with someone. 

There is someone I would like to reconnect with as well. So here is my missed connection. 

It has been many years since I've seen your face. But not a day goes by that I dont picture it. We first met in college. I was an education major working as a tutor, you were a massage therapy student, needing a client for a massage. I was immediately attracted to you. The full body massage you gave me that day is one I wont forget. (For the reader: This was all it was, a simple full body massage, nothing more)

I thought for sure after seeing my body, I would never see you again. But we started to see each other more. As we got to know each other, I think it is safe to say that we started to fall for each other rather quickly and very hard. But once again, fate would be against me as you were in a relationship, and I do not have it in me to make a move on someone that is already taken.

Time went on, and you moved on, literally, to Alabama. I would hear from you a few times since, but it has been years now. I'm sure I'm nothing but a vague memory by now.

You are much more than a memory to me. If I could change things, I would have told you I felt the same. I still do. You will forever be the standard in which I judge everyone else. You are forever the diamond I seek. 

If this is you, please contact me.

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