Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Wanderings

Holidays are always a bitter sweet time for me. This is time for family and to remember the religious aspects of the given holiday. So how did I spend the entire day? That's right, alone, complete and utterly alone. No calls from family inviting me over. No one coming over to visit me. Just me.

So I thought, "Why not blog post number 3?" So why not?

Thanks to the magic of Facebook, I was reminded of a post from 2 years ago. The post recollected the thoughts of the beauty I saw traveling to Florida to help my mom move. I can vividly remember the beauty of the scenery I saw throughout the trip. The world out there, when you take a step back from everything, is truly complex and beautiful. 

Since this trip, I have driven the distance round trip twice. Each time I am taken away by the beauty hidden away from the eyes of the everyday observer. And I found this interesting because beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. And when I see something I think is beautiful, I take time to appreciate it. 

So, if you come across this post by chance, and happen to read this far, I'd like to enourage you to appreciate the beauty in life, because it's everywhere. You'll just have to look.

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