Saturday, April 22, 2017

First Date

What lead me to starting this blog was my journies, and mostly failures, through online dating. About a month ago I met a woman on Because of our busy schedules, we didn't get a chance to meet until yesterday. When we started to make plans for a first date, I did not have an initial idea of where to go. Being that it was a week out I thought I had time to make an unforgettable first impression. But instead she made a suggestion, and the suggestion was that we have dinner at a cafe design as a hall of fame theme to my favorite college sports team. It blew me away.

Well, when yesterday arrived, I made sure I got to the place a little early to ensure we get a table in case the place was busy. I was able to get a table. Nerves started to play a factor as I looked around and realized how much of a perfect place this was for me personally.

I texted her and let her know where I was seated, I also asked if I could order her a drink. She sent me her drink request and I put it in waiting for her to make an appearance. She showed up, walked toward me and gave me a smile. She looked just like her picture, which was good because I found her attractive.

Anyway I stood up to greet her not knowing how to initiate the first contact. I nervously said hi with a lazy smile. I didn't know whether to go in for the awkward first hug, stand there like a goof, or what to do. It was all up to instincts from there. Which is not good given my track record. I decide to go in for the awkward hug. As my body prepared itself to go in for the hug, she extends her hand for a handshake. Yeah, just as awkward. So it all of a sudden felt like an interview instead of a first date. Which the two are almost the same.

So what are we going to talk about during dinner? My strengths and weakness? What other past dates would say about my performance? Where do I see myself in five years?

I didn't even think to bring references. Luckily we had a very pleasant conversation. Typical getting to k ow each other questions. Learning about each other's families and jobs.

Then she says to me in what felt like the middle of us talking, "Well thank you for dinner." I had already paid the bill. So we walked out making small talk. We got to our vehicles and said goodbye with parting hugs.

So, only time will tell now. I hope the Journeys of the Forever Alone Guy does not go on, but the dating world, for me, is a long process.

Stay tuned to see if this journey of the Forever Alone Guy turns into a journey of the Taken Guy.

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